Dear all,
is an art competition being run by the Dulwich Picture Gallery, if you are
interested in taking part you can get the full details by visiting:-
I picked up a leaflet about Greenwich Printmakers Gallery, for those of you
particularly interested in print. For more info about them have a look at
the suggestion of Nathan, I have opened a face book page just for links with
artists such as yourselves. I follow tons of different people, galleries and
pictorial information sites and have done for years, which you may
find interesting and or inspirational. If you are interested in viewing this
page, I don’t think you have to be a "friend" to follow any
announcements I make or receive through it. So I believe you will
just see the ‘art’ related posts I make and not all the junk from my friends.
have only just opened it this evening and I will be transferring the
stuff from my general site to this group page, so it might take a few days so
please bear with me whilst I figure it out.
reason for doing this is that once this course is over I suspect the UCA blog
will not continue and by having a link through my face book page I will
hopefully be able to stay in touch with you all.
I have recently discovered that it is possible to follow interesting people
through my Linked In site. Linked In for those of you who may not know is a business
contacts network. I joined this site when I lived in the USA as it allows you
to connect with other similar industry professionals. Through this site I have
just started following Richard Branson, Barack Obama and David Cameron to name
but a few. Richard has just written a short piece on what being a entrepreneur.
Thanks for this Alison. I have gone off Face Book and Linked In but you have inspired me to look again!